Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How To Participate

If you are within Bangladesh and a member of an organisation, confirm your organisation's participation by sending us an email. Please add what community service event you will be doing to commemorate the 16th. You can write to us for ideas. After you've confirmed, we'll add your name/logo to the final banner. Please note: all organisations will be working absolutely independently. It will be wonderful if you could just put the slogan in your banner to show we are all united.

If you are within Bangladesh, but not a member of any organisation, contact us and we'll hook you up with a suitable project.

If you are outside of Bangladesh, you can get together a few Bangladeshi friends and contribute to the local Bangali community. If there is none, do something to raise awareness about Tourism Bangladesh. Or you could raise funds (by, for example, donating an hour's salary) and help out a Bangladeshi cause. Let us know if you are participating and we'll help with everything.

Once you've confirmed and carried out the project, don't forget to send us a photo with a short description. We'll be adding them to this blog!

Write to us at volunteer.for.bangladesh[at]gmail.com and join our Facebook page!

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